Day 13: To Ushuaia

Today was a long ride, 425 km, mostly in the rain. It was a lot of flat grass land until towards the end of the day when we went through some mountains. We arrived at the town of Ushuaia. This is the furthest south we will stay in a hotel. Tomorrow we will drive to a national park in the morning, and go on a penguin spotting cruise boat in the afternoon. Here are some pictures from today's long wet ride.

No pics on the morning ride till we stopped at this restaurant at 1pm for lunch. A lot of wet guys on motorcycles. We left a generous tip. They allowed us to spread our gear out to dry a bit. It was nice to get out of the rain.

After some more grass lands we finally began to pass through these mountains.

At the welcome to Ushuaia sign.

Our hotel for two nights, which has a view of the water and mountains on the other side.
