Day 14: The End of The Earth

Today was a day of local trips from the town of Ushuaia since we are staying here two nights. The first trip was a drive out a dirt road through the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. The dirt road in the park ends at this sign, which is the furthest south it is possible to drive in South America. This is the End of the Earth.

Here is a sign with stickers from everywhere. It turns out you are not allowed to put a sticker on the sign unless you pay a $5 fee.

Here are a few more pictures from the ride through the park. We are at sea level and the snow level is not very high in the hills. Tonight there are snow flurries. Winter is coming.

After the ride through the National Park we went on a boat tour to see penguins and other wildlife. It is unusual to see whales in late March. We were lucky and saw a pair of humpback whales. We also saw seals. And, of course, we saw penguins.

While on the boat ride we also saw the Lighthouse at the End of The Earth.
