Day 15: To Rio Grande

The drive to Rio Grande is the first of two days of driving to get to Punta Arenas, Chile, where we will turn in the motorcycles to the rental company, and then fly to our respective home cities.

Here are pics as we get ready to head out from our Hotel in Ushuaia, and head north. Nd away from the end of the earth.

As we left Ushuaia fresh snow was on the mountains near town. This picture was when we were gassing up.

on our way through the mountains we stopped at the Moto Cafe, which has a collection of vintage motorcycles.

the guy with the luxurious beard talking to Juan from our group is the owner.

This motorcycle is a replica of one that a guy named Juan Jose Degratti ride from Ushuaia to Alaska in 1960.

Here are some of the vintage motorcycles.

The rest of today's ride was just flatland again. There was one interesting event. There is a motorcycle race that goes alongside the road for a couple hundred Km. It seems to be run in daily stages. As we ride along we could see riders in pure dirt bikes racing along off road at speed. There were also lots of spectators pulled off the road to watch at water crossings or particularly rough areas to see the action. We did not stop for pics due to the crowds and all the cars and traffic.
tomorrow will be our last day on the bikes. It's about 250 miles, has a ferry crossing, and a border crossing. It is also 75% chance of rain. The last day will be a long day.