Day 5: To Coyhaique CL

We had breakfast in the funky hostel. The weather forecast was that the rain should be gone by 9:00am. Instead it rained on and off throughout the day. Still it was much better because we had extended stretches with no rain. We headed out of town and rode along roads that alternated between pavement and dirt. We road along canyons with ocean below the road. Then the road turned completely to dirt and one lane with very tight switchbacks as we ascended into the mountains. The plants were lush, and green, a rain forest. When we got to the crest before descending the other side we were close to mountain peaks with fresh snow. Then a long ride down the other side, primarily on pavement.

the view of the peaks with fresh snow from our hostel.

A view after we crested the mountains.

Eventually we came to the beginning the area where the Chilean fjords begin. There was a medium sized cruise ship in this harbor.

On our way back through the mountains in a different are we came across this waterfall.

After the ride through the mountains we arrived at our hotel in the town of Couhaique. This huge Rock outcropping is on the edge of the town. It's pretty cool to see it there on the skyline.

A Patagonia store in Pantagonia. Who would have guessed.

Day 5 Video