Day 4: to Puyhuapi CL

The weather prediction was for rain all day. It turned out to be spot on. It never stopped raining. I put my rain jacket and rain pants on over my waterproof Gortex regular riding gear just to be sure of staying dry. We headed out in the rain and after about 10 kilometers hit dirt road. Actually muddy road. All the potholes were filled with water. The technique is to read the road ahead and pick a line to try and avoid the potholes. When that's not possible try to a ovoid the largest potholes. And worst case if they can't be avoided just hold on and go for the straight line through the potholes.

Leaving our hotel, heading out into the rain.

After about 15 kilometers of muddy, gravel, and potholed road we came to the border crossing to cross back into Chile. Between the two border crossings we easily spent an hour getting through the two of them.

The bikes are now muddy. This is mine.

Here we are standing in the rain waiting to get into the first border station.

Inside the border station was this very contented cat. The Agentina station was very basic. 2km down the road was the Chile station with a big covered area. But pictures were not allowed. Took us two tries because no one told us about another window where we had to get another stamp. Border crossing people love to stamp things. Then we had to fill out a customs declaration form. They also required us to open up our saddlebags so they could search them. Luggage on the truck was also inspected.

Pic above is restaurant for lunch. Nice place to dry off a bit and get out of the rain. Amazing chal drawings on the wall.

A break after crossing a bridge over a river that was a torrent. Still raining.

Got out to paved Highway and stopped at this little coffee shop for a break. Still raining.

Very friendly dog in the coffee shop.

got to the very small and remote town of Puyhuapi. Our stay for the night was this very funky hostel. But in our room was an electric heater bolted to the wall that was just barely thick enough we could stack socks and gloves on it to dry them off.

although the only place to stay in town was the funky hostel, the restaurant was great.

Every time someone came into the restaurant this cat would scoot in and curl up on this couch. Eventually the restaurant staff gave up and just let him stay. I don't think he wanted to be out in the rain either. He was a super friendly cat.

Ice tea is impossible to get down here. But apparently fancy lemonade is a thing. Lemonade and a hot chocolate to start my dinner.

We all decided after a day of nothing but rain that deserts were in order. I got Apple Strudel.

went back to the hostel. We could hear it rain hard all night.

The Day-4 Video